Environment, time, functional costs: all these factors have become essential in
our daily life, be it business or private. The FCI is well aware of that and is
faced with different challenges related to it at the turn of its second centenary.
On the occasion of the last FCI General Committee meeting mid April, different projects
have been presented to the Committee members. Please find below a brief overview
of the new procedures under construction, which will make the daily life of the
FCI, its members and all the people involved in the FCI’s activities easier and
more comfortable.
Electronic accountancy
From July 1st, the FCI invoices will be sent by email exclusively and the financial
situation of each NCO will be available electronically too, upon request. At a later
stage, all NCO will have a private access to the FCI website to consult their own
financial situation.
CACIB and Post
In a near future, the FCI Office will stop sending hard copies of the CACIB per
post to the organisers of CACIB shows. Instead, an email clearly detailing all dogs
that have seen their CACIB confirmed, those that have been refused and those that
could not yet be confirmed will be sent to the national kennel club of the show
organiser. In order to guarantee a correct and complete flow of information, the
FCI website (http://www.fci.be)
will include a section “CACIB Show Results” where every dog lover, i.e. exhibitor,
owner, breeder, kennel clubs or dog handler will have the possibility to see the
status of the CACIB proposals received at the shows. This information will be updated
Electronic applications for CACIB shows
Very shortly, our member NCO will have the possibility to apply for CACIB shows
via the FCI website. As stated above (see: electronic accountancy), thanks to personal
access codes, each NCO will be able to apply for CACIB shows and be informed accordingly
online, again saving time, paper and energy.
Electronic process of the CACIB results
Thanks to the creation of a huge FCI/NCO database where all dogs with a pedigree
would be stored, it would be possible to avoid any kind of mistake (typing, multiple
entry/identifications, etc.) in the processing of the show results and confirmation
of the CACIB. On top of this, the lists of CACIB results, which would be absolutely
correct, could then be automatically (after check and validation by the FCI Office)
transferred into the FCI system via a web platform. This very enthusiastic and progressive
project will be presented to the next FCI General Assembly.
Other online working procedures
Kennel names applications
Champion titles applications
FCI Stand
An FCI information stand where all questions you might have will be answered will
be present at different shows this year. Please join us for a quizz giving you a
chance to win prizes, come and get your Cobby, your judging manual, your stickers
or the FCI centenary book (http://www.fci.be/onlinecatalogue.aspx).
You are welcome to visit the FCI stand at
21-22 July
5-7 October
3-4 November
Czech Republic
9 December
Good service, modernisation and comfort for all are important notions to which we
try to pay as much attention as possible.
Welcome to our stand,
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director